Our Journey & Discovery program helps new families become familiar with our school and philosophies.

We work in partnership with you (the parents) to provide an education that meets the needs of the whole child. To help you in this partnership role, we offer parent development classes throughout the year.  These classes discuss healthy child development and parenting.  Join us for a chance to express your views and share your experiences with other parents who have similar goals for their children.

We cover a wide range of relevant subjects for parents through presentations, guest speakers, and workshops. Class topics include positive discipline, Montessori in the home, presentations on the Montessori curriculum, family life, social & emotional development and many more topics for for all levels.

See our school calendar for specific offerings.

“Santa Cruz Montessori has helped my children develop into the confident, interested, engaged children they had the potential to become.  I see them grow every day.”

—SCM Parent