Diversity is a core value at Santa Cruz Montessori and is central to our mission to guide and nurture the whole individual. Diversity benefits our students families and enriches our programs. Guided by our Diversity Vision Statement, the SCM Diversity Committee works to acknowledge and celebrate all of the members of our school community.

Diversity Vision Statement

Santa Cruz Montessori School embraces diversity and recognizes the richness, complexity and depth of all people’s race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family constellation, socioeconomic status, age, religion, or physical and mental abilities. Diversity is a core value, central and indivisible from our mission to guide and nurture the natural unfolding of the whole individual. We recognize that the benefits of diversity are not attained from, or directed at, a special group of people. Diversity comes from us all, challenges us all, and benefits us all. Making progress on diversity is more than social responsibility, it is necessary if we are to meet our mission. We believe that knowledge of the rich human experience will prepare our children to care for themselves, others, and the earth. Together, we will create a school community:

  1. Where the differences among us are explored in a context of Montessori’s fundamental needs of humankind through extensions of our curriculum.
  2. That acknowledges and celebrates our many differences and similarities.
  3. Where identities are not imposed and each person is allowed to grow without fear or shame.
  4. Where tolerance and respect are taught as a way to achieve social, moral and ethical understanding.
  5. That is committed to maintaining an environment of respect for one another, inclusive of our differences.
  6. That assures every individual the opportunity to reach her or his full potential.
  7. Where the learning environment is prepared and resources are available to students staff and families so interactions about diversity can be sensitive, healthy and productive.
  8. Where we cultivate in one another the grace, courage and skill to discuss complex issues, about which we may deeply disagree, while maintaining an environment of dignity and respect for all.
  9. Where healthy discussions about differences are recognized as a necessary part of a balanced community.
  10. That embraces the values in this statement and commits to making this vision a day-to-day reality.