Santa Cruz Montessori

Why Give?

Since the school’s founding in 1964, Santa Cruz Montessori families have been instrumental in working together to bring wonderful educational opportunities to our children.

Generosity Across Generations

Over the years, alumni, parents, grandparents, faculty, and friends have given generously of their time and financial resources. They have touched the lives of all current families at the school and have left a legacy for future generations of children. Recognizing our diverse parent community, we welcome all gifts large and small. We are so thankful for the support that parents and friends give to SCM.

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Support Santa Cruz Montessori

Annual Giving

The Annual Drive supports a wide range of critical needs at the school including campus and classroom improvements, continuing education for staff, sports equipment and educational materials.

Tuition Assistance Drive

The Tuition Assistance drive and Tuition Assistance Endowment support tuition needs at the school.

Arts Drive and Auction

The Arts Drive and annual auction support our arts programs, theater arts programs and Spanish language programs.

2025 Arts Auction on February 22nd

Buy tickets and learn more about the 2025 Arts Auction at the Chaminade Resort and Spa on February 22nd.

Capital Giving

Capital gifts support new construction and renovations. These projects help to enrich the campus environment and provide facility improvements at our school.

In Kind

Gifts in kind, or non-cash gifts, are always welcomed. Many parents and friends choose to donate goods or services to SCM.

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