Santa Cruz Montessori

Tuition Assistance

Finding the right school is an investment in your child’s future.

While we are a tuition-based school, we aim to create a community that is socioeconomically diverse. Our school offers need-based grants to families on a yearly basis. A variety of factors are considered, including family income, number of children, and other necessary expenses.

Santa Cruz Montessori is committed to supporting economic diversity through our tuition assistance program. Each year we award over $1 million dollars in tuition assistance to support families at different economic levels and create a thriving and dynamic community. Our tuition assistance program creates sustainable tuition for many families in our community.

Families must reapply annually and applications are processed by FAST, a national organization that helps determine each family’s financial resources. The Tuition Assistance Committee makes awards based on the recommendations from FAST and available funds at the time a family's tuition assistance application is processed.

Families initially apply for tuition assistance during the enrollment process once a space has opened up for their child. To begin the enrollment process today, download the enrollment application form on the How to Apply page or pick one up from the office.

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