Our SCM Mission
As a Montessori learning community, we inspire life long learning and a peaceful world by nurturing the natural development of the whole child.
Santa Cruz Montessori is founded on the methods and philosophy developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. Dr. Montessori recognized the potential of each child to become a force for good in creating a better world for all.
We support the development of the whole child and foster an environment of respect and compassion for self, others, and our environment.
We guide children to
independence in their learning, encouraging them to identify their interests, passions and strengths, fostering a
love of learning & discovery.
The SCM community creates a culture of
where the richness and complexity of
each individual is honored. We recognize
the interdependence
of all beings and systems of our world.
All members of the Santa Cruz Montessori
community are committed to working together to create a quality Montessori environment. We embrace collaboration in order to achieve our mission-driven goals.
The principles of independence and perseverance were fostered in me at the lower levels of Santa Cruz Montessori. Eventually, at Wavecrest Junior Hight, the rigor led me to be the excelling and passionate student I am today.
— SCM Alumni Student
I love the community at Santa Cruz Montessori - the support, care, and attention each student receives, inspiring and encouraging them to be their best selves - both academically and as citizens of the world.
— Wavecrest Junior High Parent