Santa Cruz Montessori


By Chris Nestlerode March 4, 2025
Journey and Discovery Friday and Saturday , March 14th -15th Experience the educational journey through the eyes of a Santa Cruz Montessori student. Participants will find answers to their questions about the Montessori program through their own experience. You will come away with a deeper understanding of Montessori education and its focus on meeting the developmental needs of the child. The ‘Journey’ portion happens on Friday and begins with a silent walk through the classrooms where you will have an opportunity to look at the materials and appreciate the beauty of the classroom. Afterward, you will come together as a group to share your observations. On Saturday, you have the opportunity to ‘Discover’ by interacting with the Montessori materials. Learn how the child constructs meaning and how each level is the springboard for the next. Please RSVP in the school newsletter.
By Chris Nestlerode February 25, 2025
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Friday, March 14th We're excited for our annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day! Any special guest is invited to stop by between 9:30 and 11:00am to visit the students in their classes. Check in at the Community Room for coffee and snacks and then head down to the class where students can share their classroom and work. Note: Because it would be too disruptive for our Young Children's Community, the YCC does not participate in this event.
By Chris Nestlerode February 25, 2025
Parent Development - Positive Disciple for Elementary Families Connect with other parents through this interactive and engaging experience. You will be introduced to the Positive Discipline pathway to becoming an effective parent who is respectful and loving with clear boundaries and structure.
By Chris Nestlerode February 13, 2025
Celebrate the Arts with our annual auction and dinner at the Chaminade!
By Chris Nestlerode January 21, 2025
Saturday, February 1st, 10:00am-12:00pm , Both Campuses We are hosting an All School Open House for anyone to come check out all of our different programs. Join the different guides and explore the classrooms at both of our campuses. Our Primary and Elementary programs are at 6230 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA 95003. And our Young Children's Community (18 months-3 years) and Junior High are at 2446 Cabrillo College Dr, Soquel, 95073. RSVP Here
By Chris Nestlerode January 13, 2025
Thursday, January 23rd, 6:00-7:00pm , Main Campus Community Room. Please join us to learn about the Montessori Language Journey a child takes from the Young Children's Community to Wavecrest Junior High. Hear from the guides of each level about why language instruction is so unique in Montessori and how concepts are presented at different ages, the Montessori language materials, lessons, and the work of the children in the classroom. A great opportunity to deepen your understanding of what your child's incredible Montessori language journey is like. Childcare (for elementary and primary aged children) and dinner (pizza and salad), will be offered at 5:30 with the talk to begin at 6:00pm.
By Chris Nestlerode January 13, 2025
Saturday, January 11th, 9 am-10am, Main Campus Community Room. Join Lower Elementary guides Nina Noorzad and Mariah Lambert to hear about our Lower Elementary program. This is a great opportunity to meet the teachers, learn more about the program, and ask questions about the transition process from Primary to Lower Elementary. Childcare will be provided during the meeting.
By Chris Nestlerode December 18, 2024
The Cypress and Junior Classes will have their annual class plays performing "The Wizard of Giggles".
By Molly DiPiero December 3, 2024
Saturday, December 7th, 10am-12pm, Downtown Santa Cruz Join SCM students, families, and staff as we walk together in the Downtown Holiday Parade!
By Molly DiPiero December 3, 2024
Friday, November 22nd, 10-11:15am in the Community Room, Main Campus You are invited to come see the "Great Work" of our Upper Elementary students. In the Montessori Elementary environment, students are encouraged to dive deeply into subjects they are passionate about and get creative to show their learning. Come and learn more from these students about the projects they have been working on.
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